Library Resources

YCS is fortunate to have a robust library, filled with age appropriate books for all grades.

If you are interested in volunteering in the library, please contact us at

Parents interested in learning more about how to encourage their children to become readers should review this posting: Helping Your Child Become a Reader

How the Library Works

YCS students must sign and adhere to the YCS Library User Agreement in order to visit and borrow books from our school library.

  • Student will follow the library rules.

  • Student will be responsible for the books in his/her care.

  • Student/parents will reimburse the school for any books that are lost or damaged. The replacement cost will be stated on the overdue notice. Payment should be made with cash or by check made out to Yorkville Community School. Payment must be made before the student can resume checking out books.

  • Books are checked out for one week and are due back on the next scheduled library class day. Although there is no fine for overdue books, notices will be sent on the day they are due and overdue books must be returned before additional books can be checked out by the student. If the book is not returned, repeat notices will be issued weekly. After the third overdue notice, the book is considered lost and payment must be made before additional books can be checked out.

  • Books may be renewed, if they have not been reserved by another student. To renew, a book must be physically present in the library.

Let the reading begin!