Special Education / Academic Support

Special Education, ENL and Academic Support Services

IEP (Individualized Education Plan)

Every child who receives mandated special education or related services has an IEP. This includes special education students in the CTT/ICT class, and children in general education classes who receive Speech, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy or Mandated Counseling. Parents and staff meet periodically to review the IEP and make sure the children are progressing toward stated goals.

Collaborative Team Teaching/ Integrated Co-Teaching

Our CTT/ICT class is a model for the entire New York City school system. At YCS we have one CTT/ICT class per grade, which has one full time general education teacher and one full time special education teacher. In the CTT/ICT classes, the ratio is approximately 60% general education students and 40% special education students. Our inclusion classes provide the same curriculum as our other classes, with the added benefit of a higher staffing ratio and a great deal of support. The Committee for Special Education (CSE) places the children who are on the special education side of the CTT/ICT class. The school administration places the children on the general education side of the CTT/ICT class. Children on the general education side are “model” students — they must model excellent behavioral and learning habits. Students on the general education side cannot be receiving any special services. Parents cannot refuse a placement on the general education side of the ICT class for their child, just as parents cannot refuse placement in any class.


Our Guidance Counselor is available for general consultation as well as crisis intervention.

Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Speech Therapy  

Our therapists are on-site to offer mandated services to those students who require therapy

English Language Learners

Our ENL (English as a New Language) program consists of a push-in and pull-out model. Students are clustered by proficiency levels (LAB-R and NYSESLAT scores). Our plan focuses on reinforced content area instruction where students receive academic intervention/support in growing as an English Language Learner. In addition, these students are targeted for Academic Intervention in a reading/math pull out small group instruction.