Sample Schedule of a School Day 2024-2025
8:20 AM: Arrival/Breakfast
8:20–9:05 AM: Morning Meeting
9:05–9:50 AM: Class Work
9:50–10:35 AM: Class Work
10:35–11:25 AM: Class Work
11:25 am-12:15 PM: Lunch
12:15-1:05 PM: Special
1:05-1:50 PM: Class Work
1:50-2:35 pm: Class Work
2:40 PM: Dismissal/After School
"Children grow into the intellectual life around them." -Vygotsky
At YCS, students in all grades engage in multiple thematic units of study throughout the year. Our Next Generation Learning Standards aligned theme units of study are presented using an integrated, cross- curricular approach that emphasizes the reading of nonfiction text and the stages of researching to explore, learn and teach.
What is a Thematic Unit of Study?
A Thematic unit is the organization of a curriculum around a central theme. Thematic instruction integrates basic disciplines like reading, math, and writing with the exploration of a hig interest comprehensive subject, such pets, restaurants, sea creatures, government, etc.
Why Thematic Units of Study
They reflect student interests
They help students make and understand connections
They expand assessment strategies
They keep students engaged
They support rigor
They draw on connections from the real world and life experiences
They provide hands-on and authentic learning experiences
They develop EQ- Emotional Intelligence
Teachers work as facilitators
They improve accessibility though multiple entry points
Thematic Units of Study Across Grades: